Realistic Flames stencil 1:24

Published by Orlee in Rebox · 18 February 2021
Tags: realisticflames


Realistic flames Stencil 1:24 and 1:18 scale

Number stencil: 1 Plastic stencil

Stencil matt trasluncent, 250 micron (0,25 mm thick)
The "realistic flames" stencil is an absolute novelty in static modeling, this product will allow you to create real flames in 1:24 and 1:18 scale. The product is sold with a reusable plastic stencil. The stencil can be used with both acrylic paints and enamel paints. The final result depends on the skill of the modeller.

Reusable: YES

₽ 660,00
€ 7,00
£ 6,00
$ 9,00

The currency value of your currency is only indicative, the real price you pay for the product will be determined upon your purchase by your banker.
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